Achieving Work–Life Balance

    Using the University online library resources, research work–life balance. You may want to use some or all of the following search terms: work–life balance, job satisfaction, burnout, weisure, overworked, and self-care.

    Select at least one authoritative article from the library and provide a summary. Focus on the effects of work–life imbalance and the benefits of work–life balance.
    Describe your own experience with attempting to achieve a work–life balance.

    What have you done that has improved this balance?

    What have you done that has worsened it?

    How do you think your situation will change upon graduating from college?

    Will you experience more or less difficulty in achieving this balance? Why?

    Discuss any ethical ramifications of failure to take proper care of yourself while working in the field of psychology. Identify at least one ethical standard from the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics and one standard from the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct that apply, providing the specific standards’ numbers and titles.
    Be sure to cite your sources.


    Barnett, J. E., Baker, E. K., Elman, N. S., & Schoener, G. R. (2007). In pursuit of
    wellness: The self-care imperative. Professional Psychology: Research and
    Practice, 38(6), 603–612.

    Patterson, T. (2009). Having it all: Work–life balance: Welcome to the “weisure”
    lifestyle. Retrieved from

    Submission Details:

    Write your initial response in a minimum of 300 words. Apply APA standards to cite your sources.

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