Accountability systems

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    Accountability systems

    Project description
    Accountability systems are intended to provide meaningful ways to assess program quality and to help organizations and institutions improve by identifying strengths and weaknesses. In recent years, following the closely chronicled accountability movement of K-12 education, higher education policymakers and leaders have evaluated the need to improve postsecondary schools, specifically, assessment mechanisms and measures.

    As an educational research consultant you have been retained to design and implement a protocol to establish a standard for better outcomes and measurability standards for College of Education graduates at a four-year, urban college campus. The campus president and dean outlined their concerns, as presented below. You must respond by addressing each of these areas in your planning report before undertaking the specific needs of this particular campus. Although board priorities and concerns vary, the major issues and concerns for all constituents are:

    A. Institutional Identity

    Organizational: Clearly define roles as a provider of sufficient quality services addressing the needs of a varied constituency comprised of consumers, employers, policymakers, and students.

    B. Economic Partnerships

    Employers: Describe workforce reliance on well-trained and skilled graduates at the entry, technical, professional, and managerial levels.

    C. Increasing Enrollment

    Students: Address both traditional and non-traditional students as primary consumers of higher education, with respect to increasing tuition costs, shrinking government aid and grants, technology expenditures, and campus capital improvements.

    D. Regulatory and Accreditation Standards

    Federal and state policymakers: Address the needs for increasing aid and grants to higher learning when challenged economies face rising costs in healthcare and other entitlement costs.

    E. Budget Planning Report Forecast

    Provide a budget for the implementation of the planning protocol.

    F. Implications

    Include the financial, legal, technological, and ethical considerations and ramifications of your recommendations.

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