According to Hauss, which Chief Executive has the most decision making power, the U.S. President or the British Prime Minister?

    According to Hauss, which Chief Executive has the most decision making power, the U.S. President or the British Prime Minister?

    In answering this question, make sure you discusshow the power of the Prime Minister has evolved in recent years and whether, in your opinion , those changes have affected the strength of the state relative to society.
    2. To what extent do you think the gradualism thesis of political development still applies to the U.K. today? Make sure you consider the Thatcher/Blair Revolution and Studlar’s “A Constitutional Revolution in Britain?” in your discussion.
    Part II ( for 60 points, each section is worth 20 points). Keep the answers to 500 words or less
    A central theme in this course is that there is a tradeoff between the power of state and society in political systems. The more power is concentrated in the state the less of it that is dispersed to society and vice versa. According to Hauss and Lipset, in the American political system, the tradeoff in power between state and society is more favorable to society .
    In this essay address three related questions (answer each part separately keeping within the word limit.You only have space to discuss a few factors you consider the most important arguments to make your case.
    A.. Using the text, course articles and lectures discuss key historical and contemporary factors that explain why American political culture developed strong values and beliefs more favorable to a weak state
    B. Explain (briefly) how those core values and beliefs have influenced American political institutions such as the Congress, the Executive and the Courts. In your opinion, how do institutions manifest those principles and values in decision making?
    C. How has the American political culture and political institutions influenced the scope of responsibilities (outputs) of the political system over time?

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