Access Database consultancy for ‘Jerry’s Haulage Ltd’

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    1. Differentiate between data, information and knowledge
    2. Consider how data, information and knowledge can be applied and utilised in the workplace
      1. Identify the problems associated with both information and communication channels within the workplace


    Access Database consultancy for ‘Jerry’s Haulage Ltd’


    You are employed as a Consultant by‘Jerry’s Haulage Ltd’. They deliver a wide variety of products to customers all over the country and until recently they have organised their orders and customer details on paper in filing cabinets. The company is looking to reduce its carbon footprint with their new ‘Green Initiative.’ Some progress has been made, creating a database to track their orders, however, there is still a lot of development work which needs to be done in order to improve the system in line with the business processes.

    Using the knowledge of databases you have acquired you must make changes in order to develop the database system in Microsoft Access to reflect the requirements of the company, considering what would make for the most effective business process at all times. To do this you will need to design and implement a table, add queries, forms and reports so that the users can manage, manipulate and interrogate the database effectively.

    In addition to the database development work which you must carry out, you are required to create a 700 word report in Microsoft Word addressing questions 1b, 5a and 5b(detailed below). You are expected to make reference to theory throughout and therefore the report should be fully referenced in APA format, with each question clearly separated and marked with the relevant question number.

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    Assessment Deliverables

    1. The company’s sales department has previously struggled to control the data quality of customer, product and order details.
      1. Use appropriate data validations where possible, to reduce the number of errors staff might make when performing data entry. (10%)
      2. Explain how the effective management of data quality can improve the customer experience, taking into consideration what affect this would have on the company’s customer retention rate. (200 words, 10%)


    1. The staff are very busy taking orders, so it’s not ideal for them to view the data in the tables. Develop a system where staff are able to view a customer’s details on screen, along with a list of orders which they have made, without going directly into the tables. (15%)


    1. In line with the company’s ‘Green Initiative’ the senior management team would like to reduce the carbon emissions by reducing any unnecessary journeys. Produce a report of orders which the driver could use to plan his journeys effectively. (You should consider what might be an effective grouping system). (15%)

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    1. The company needs to be able to view information on-screen and have the ability to print this, if necessary.
      1. The staff need to be able to view a report of outstanding deliveries. Create a report to show all orders which have not yet been delivered. (10%)
      2. The company reviews their range of products every quarter. Create a query and report to list the orders placed for each product in a specified time-range. (15%)


    1. The Senior Management Team are sceptical about the purpose of the data that they are recording and would like to understand the problems they may encounter during the implementation of a new system.
      1. Explain how the data held in their database can become useful information for the Senior Management Team; you should include a brief explanation of the difference between data and information. (300 words, 15%)
      2. Explain the potential problems that the Management will face whenaltering the processes, which staff have followed for many years, and explain how these problems might be overcome. (200 words, 10%)



    The deadline for submission is 12:00 (midday) on Tuesday 21.1.14

    You will submit the following two components electronically through the e-learning assignment submission:

    1. Access Database File
    2. Report in Microsoft Word


    • Check that you have answered all assessment questions in full. Your report should be well presented, with questions clearly marked with the question number.


    • Please ensure that you submit the correct files by checking your submission.


    • Leave sufficient time to submit your assessment, taking into account the potential for problems with internet connections.


    • Always keep a backup of your work in case of any memory corruption, as these reasons will not excuse late or missed submissions.


    Referencing and Plagiarism

    Please note that all materials submitted should be your own work and the report must be fully referenced using the APA Format. Any suspected plagiarism will be reported and the appropriate action will be taken thereafter. The answers given for the report questions should make reference to theory where possible and marks will be lost for failure to reference in the correct format.

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