About a game called (Tic-Tac -Toe) Custom Essay

    General Cover Page, Table of Content, Reference list, Tables, Pictures and Appendices (if any), are presented in correct order.

    2-Scientific background General:
    The document fully follows APA style writing. At least 8 references are used. All references are used as in text citation, at least 2 quotations, supporting the main idea are correctly applied.

    3-Written clarity:
    General Student has less than 3 grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper is well-written, organized and easy to understand and/or follow.

    4-Introduction Specific:
    Student demonstrates a suitable literature review containing 5-6 important facts of the chosen Game. The aim of the chosen skill exercises is stated.

    5-Materials of the game All: materials for playing the game are explained in details.

    6-Rules of the game:
    All rules are well explained and supported with literature.

    7-Aim of the game:
    The aim of the chosen game is explained in details. At least 2 major objectives of the games are clearly stated, and at least 2 major learning outcomes of game are explained.

    8-Age related effects of playing the game:
    All effects of the game on children and elderly people are well explained.

    9-Discussion Specific:
    The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games? benefits to 4 other games.

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