A visit to Huntington library

    Critical Thinking Final Paper (A visit to the Huntington Library):
    This paper will be5-6 page response a culture happening in proper MLA format. The cultural happening can be a visit to a museum, a concert, or an on campus event ( in this case, I want the writer write about a visit to the Huntington Library )that you can approach philosophically and respond to in a critical way-from your perspective specifically. The event must have occurred during the course of the semester. ( Sept.10-Dec.10, 2014).This will be a paper directed at philosophy in the everyday utilizing skills of critical explanation and analysis. You must turn in an artifact from the Culture Happening with your paper.

    I.Introduction: (10 points)
    a, states the main aspect of the event you choose that struck you.( 1.e.an argument you may picked up on)

    b,states your main thesis in reply. (1.e.your critical thesis in response to what struck you about the event)

    II. Explication (50 points)
    Puts forth the argument (thesis, supporting premises) from your experiences in explicit detail.

    III. Assessment (30 points)
    Puts forth your argument in reply (your thesis/ supporting premises)

    IV. Conclusion (10 points)
    a, restates the key thesis that struck you within the event.
    b, restates your own thesis in reply to the thesis taken from the event.
    c,wraps up any final points.

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