A researcher would like to know whether there is a cons

    A researcher would like to know whether there is a consistent predictable relationship between verbal skills and math skills for high school students. A sample of 200 students is obtained and each student is given a standardized English test and math test. Based on the test results students are classified as high or low for verbal skills and for math skills. The results are summarized below:
    Verbal Skills
    High Math
    Low Math
    Compute the Phi-Coefficient to measure the strength of the relationship. (Round to the nearest three decimal places.
    The point defined by X=2 and Y=5 is located on the line defined by the equation Y=4X-3
    True or False?
    A repeated measures ANOVA for a study comparing three treatments with a sample of n=8 participants produces an F ration of F=6.60. For this result which of the following is the correct statistical decision?
    A)There is not enough information to determine the correct decision.
    B) Reject the null hypothesis with either alpha level of .05 or .01
    C)Reject the null hypothesis with an alpha level of .05 but not with an alpha level of .01
    D)Fail to reject the null hypothesis with either alpha level of .05 or .01I have already solved the problems on my own. If you could please show the work so that I could compare the answers that would be great. Thank you for your help.

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