A Report on Consumer Behaviour

    Recommendations for store manager on how to improve customer journey and purchase experience at your store (and how the in-store and online store experience inter-link). Make sure that your recommendations are based on and link to your earlier analysis of the customer journey and experience in section 2. Recommendations are stronger if they are specific, and demonstrate consideration of resource implications. 

    (guidelines word limit for section 3: approximately 750 words)


    References – this must include the core text, important readings from the module (e.g.Tauber’s paper Why Do People Shop? – see link on week 1 reading list) sources of secondary and primary data (e.g. Mintel and the Westfield presentation); and any additional sources (e.g. a recent article from Marketing Week).


    Appendices this may include, for example, a table of practical details of your observations (primary data) and any supplementary secondary data tables or figures


    Students are encouraged to use photographs, charts and diagrams throughout their work. Include visual material at the point where you refer to them in the main body of your report. This will make it easier for the reader to follow your arguments. 



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