A New Tourism Attraction

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    For a tourism destination to be successful, it must have something that attracts tourists to the area. For this assignment, you will design a new tourism attraction for a city of your choice (either U.S. or International city). It can be any kind of attraction as long as it highlights the city or local community. For example, you could design a children’s theme park in Santa Fe, New Mexico, which highlights the local Native American culture. You have a budget of $5 million to design and build your attraction. (Important note: Do not write about a tourism attraction that already exists. It must be a completely new attraction.) Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

    1. Assess the types of organizations in the distribution process you would contact for information about the new attraction.
    2. Determine the reason this attraction would be successful. Be sure to provide statistical data in your response.
    3. Distinguish how this attraction utilizes the transportation that exists in the city or local community. Determine if the transportation is sufficient and how the transportation system would impact the success of the new attraction.
    4. Indicate how the new attraction brings value to the local community and what, if any, negative aspects it might create.
    5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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