A hold or a buy?

    Accounting & Finance Assignment 2012 Ahold or Abuy?

    You have recently been recruited as a member of the Strategic Action team at Ahold, the Netherlands-based international retailer.
    According to the Global Powers of Retailing Report, 2011:
    (http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_GX/global/272d8abc8fa5d210VgnVCM3000001c56f00aRCRD.htm#), Ahold is the 25th largest retailer in the world. The strategic ambition of the board is to become a top 10 world retailer and the board accepts that this will only be achieved through acquisition. The strategic acquisition committee has selected Delhaize Group the Belgian based retailer or WM Morrison Supermarkets Plc the UK based retailer, as a potential target.
    Your boss, the director of strategy at Ahold has asked you to write a report assessing the competitive performance of both Delhaize and Morrison. She has told you:
    Assess their performance against that of ourselves. Another team is looking at valuation; I want you to consider the financial performance ? strengths and weaknesses ? relative to its key competitors.?


    Write the report for the director. You should use the CORE approach and are encouraged to use graphs within your report. The word count should be about 2,500 words. Words in tables, graphs, diagrams and appendices do not count towards this number. Unlike some other companies Ahold encourage full referencing of sources and also encourage the use of academic sources.

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