A corporation in the United States

    A corporation in the United States is about to expand its business globally. As part of this expansion, it will begin to sell its products in Europe and Asia. In addition, it plans to open a manufacturing plant in Asia. The president and chief executive officer (CEO) is concerned; he has heard many stories of companies that have tried to expand globally, but operations either failed miserably or did not live up to expectations because of the cultural differences.

    The CEO has asked you to research problems that other corporations have had with the process of expanding globally and develop a plan to avoid these types of intercultural errors and missteps.

    I will be using Starbucks as the corporation. Using the Internet and the library, you will research the corporation or organization to discover any cultural barriers that the corporation or organization encountered as it attempted to expand globally.

    Provide suggestions regarding the steps that the company can take and policies that can be put in place to help ensure that the company’s expansion is successful. Paper should contain at least 5 references, with at least 3 sociological references.


    Each individual submits his or her own paper of 2–3 pages

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