Narrative Essay WK4VEALS
Narrative Essay
This essay explores the narrative mode, which is perhaps the most natural style of writing for most people. The narrative form has much in common with fiction or creative writing, in that it relies on descriptive language, dialogue, and dramatic action to present its story.
Much like it is in fiction writing, the goal of the narrative form is to allow readers to feel as if they are not simply reading someone else's story, but that they are somehow part of it.
Unlike telling a story, the narrative form has a specific piece of information to share and uses the elements we discussed in the Expository Writing chapter to deliver that message.
In this essay, you will be asked to write about a specific event in your life that will engage readers, and that will, at the same time, help them to understand the importance of the message you are relating, or, argument you are making.
Search in EBSCO for the following article:
Bender, S. (2006). The art of the personal essay: How to turn a nagging question or troubling experience into entertaining and insightful writing. Writer, 110(5), 31-33.
Your essay should contain the following basic features:
In addition to the above, the final draft of your essay should be:
Please note: Writing takes time. Plan ahead to give yourself time to write multiple drafts of this essay. Get some feedback from the people you know or from the Writing Center to help you to craft the best essay you can in the time allotted.