Healthcare Stats


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    Correlation Assignment
    MOHA 570
    Part One Instructions:  A healthcare researcher would like to answer the following research question: Is
    there a correlation between occupancy rate and percent of residents with catheters?  Using what youve
    read about correlations in Field, a null and alternate hypothesis for this research question.  Using the
    SPSS-generated output box provided below, compose an APA-formatted results interpretation paragraph.
    OccRate cathedres
    OccRate Pearson Correlation 1 -.100*
    Sig. (2-tailed) .046
    N 400 400
    cathedres Pearson Correlation -.100* 1
    Sig. (2-tailed) .046
    N 400 400
    *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
    Results and Interpretation:
    Part Two Instructions: Use the Excel file provided in Canvas to calculate the correlation
    coefficient between total hospital expenditures and obesity rate.  Paste the coefficient and
    interpretation here.  (formulas > more functions > statistical > correl OR data > data analysis
    (may be an add in) > correlation).

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