Business Plan Presentation

    Brainstorm ideas for a new business you (or your team if you work  with other students–you may work in a team of maximum three people)  want to start in the future–it can be a physical product or a service,  but make sure your business is legit and ethical. Summarize your  business plan in either a Word/PDF or PPT document (sample papers are  available in “Modules”).  For the Word or PPT document, be sure that your plan contains the  following major sections of a formal business plan for detailed explanation of each  section of a business plan. 


    Executive Summary (please include a mission statement for your business) Company Description Market Analysis Organization and Management Service or Product Line Marketing and Sales Funding Request Financial Projections Appendix (as needed) Attach you file using the link below for the assignment. Word/PDF  Document: 500 words minimum. PPT File: 9 informative slides minimum.  (Again, you only need to do one of the two, either Word or PPT.) After you upload your paper using the Turnitin link below, you will be  able to view the similarity report. As a guide, a returned percentage of  below 15% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred.

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