Sales Call Presentation (Final Project Part 1-Module 1)

    Please submit written assignments with a cover page, proper running head, page numbering, in-text citations to support your viewpoints and opinions, and a reference page. All documents shall follow properly formatted APA 6th Edition with a font size of 12 Times New Roman and double-spaced with 1” spacing. My professor is very strict about APA format. Please refer here as well there are some sample pages on how he would like it done. Thank you!

    For Option #1, you are a salesperson for an international sales organization of your choice. You should select the organization, the product or service you will be selling, and the prospective customer. You will create a 3-4 slide presentation using PowerPoint (or a similar program) to introduce your selected organization, and the product or service you sell to your prospective customer.

    Module 1 Milestone: Identifying Prospective Customers

    Identify a prospective customer, including the customer’s name, the industry, and a brief description of his or her needs.
    Identify your total market offering: Consider what you could potentially sell to the prospective customer.

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