Why is motivation’s impact on one person

    Final Term paper: 4-6 pages
    Chose a specific topic in the area of Management and Organizational Dynamics which interests you the most. This should be a specific question which interests you. In the paper, apply your learning from our class. Perform research on this topic. Find at least four outside articles. Write this paper using your personal voice comparing and contrasting your research with your own experience and opinion.
    An example of a research question might be:
    What criteria should be in place for people to have positive relationships at work?
    Write 4-6 page paper. Be sure to use APA format and list all citations.
    Four sections for this paper: Each section must be bolded- There are 4 sections.
    Research Question
    Literature review
    Summary and Conclusions
    Max 30 points.
    Format requirements: Times New Roman, font 12, Double space. It is important to use APA format for your references.
    Grading Rubric:
    Format is 3 points. Paper is well written and organized and uses proper APA style for citations and references -10% of your grade.
    27 points
    Research Question was clearly defined. All sections were well developed according to the requirements. Paper is written in clear English and shows your critical thinking. Used your personal voice comparing and contrasting your research with your own experience and opinion. Applied a wide range of concepts that we discussed in class. Researched and analyzed well four outside articles one of which is journal article.
    24 points

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