Urban Outfitters Inc.

    •    The student should demonstrate the proper application of concepts and models studied throughout the course and the MARCOM program for which the student is a degree candidate.
    •    The paper should open with a 1-2 pages Executive Summary, such that if the reader has only the time to read the Summary, he/she will have a rough idea of what the paper is about and the recommendations being made.
    •    The paper should include:

    o    A brief overview of the firm, including a mission/vision analysis
    o    A set of SMART or DAGMAR goals specifying the objectives of the Plan with sufficient detail that variables for measuring success will be self-evident (see the monitoring, evaluation and control section below)
    o    A SWOT, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the current brand, and opportunities and threats to the brand’s current equity in the marketplace (a Word table is recommended here, with annotated explanations below it)
    o    A perceptual map of the brand currently, positioned against its industry competition, and a proposed perceptual map showing any re-positioning being recommended (an implanted Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide is recommended to illustrate the perceptual maps)
    o    Specific recommendations of steps to be taken, focusing in on marketing communications tools and tactics, such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling
    o    Specific media selection recommendations, such as print, broadcast, outdoor, internet, social media, and alternative placements
    o    One or more examples of promotional executions necessary for success of any re-branding strategies being recommended – this can be ad copy, visuals, or specific descriptions
    o    A section dealing with monitoring, evaluation, and control of the plan in order to measure success
    o    A call to action, asking senior management to take a recommended next step, as a concluding section
    o    A Works Cited section, listing all sources and authorities used and cited in the paper
    Required parameters:

    •    The project will be weighted by the professor as 30% of the student’s total grade.
    •    A midterm draft of the paper may be required by the Instructor, for the purposes of coaching the student, in time for the student to modify the final submission.
    •    Length: 15 – 20 pages, double spaced, typed, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.
    •    Research materials should be peer-reviewed, high-quality sources such as those available through the library online databases. A representative of the library should be scheduled to discuss database availability and information sources.
    •    Project should be well organized and encompass the above subject and content guidelines
    •    An electronic copy of the project will be submitted via Safe Assignment.  Any similarities found in Safe Assign above 25% will subject the paper to be returned to the student for no credit, and the student may be subject to further discipline under the plagiarism policy of the College

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