Business Studies
discussing an important concept that each of you need to master and I can assure you if you do, you will finish this program much quicker than the pace you are currently on now! I have used each of these techniques and avoided the pitfalls discussed in the links below. Please take the time this week to view all of the links provided by (my chair) Dr. Walter McCollum and your discussion for this week will be a 2 paragraph summary of what you took away from the videos and how you will use this infomation to complete this journey. Please be detailed on your post and I will be discussing these at a later date!
Lets have a great week and see below!
Dr. Stanley
Time Management – the #1 reason doc students fail to progress- share with students
A recent review of why doc students fail to process reflected that few fail academically. The #1 reason is one’s inability to manage their time. Please share these video links within your classrooms. These videos were authored by our own Walter McCollum.
Managing from the Inside Out sh/0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_tm1_
Introduction to Time Management https://www. 0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_2a_
Self-Awareness and Time Management https://www. 0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_2b_
What is Working and What is Not Working https://www.dropbox. com/sh/0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_2c_
Goal Setting https://www.dropbox. com/sh/0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_2d_
Tools and Resources https://www.dropbox. com/sh/0scirz8vgv2rsl0/AACHaf_ yHJLFEvI6TgweaSLsa?dl=0& preview=on_WAL_DDBA8006A_2e_