Phase 4 American Government

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    The Bill of Rights extends to individuals the protection of various civil liberties.
    Assignment Guidelines:
    Select 3 of the Amendments from the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution (Amendments 1-10). Address the following in 1,250–1,500 words:
    For each of the selected Amendments:
    • Provide an overview of the main points of the Amendment.
      • What is the purpose of the Amendment? Explain.
      • Whom does the Amendment affect? Explain.
      • Why is this Amendment important? Explain.
      • How might this amendment impact the average citizen’s daily life, if at all? Explain.
    • Choose one of the three amendments you decided to write about, and for that amendment, discuss a new policy that you would like to see implemented related to that amendment, or discuss a change to an existing policy you would like to see implemented related to that amendment. Then discuss:
      • What would be the rationale for the policy? Justify your response.
      • How should the policy be evaluated for potential weaknesses or gaps? Explain.
    Be sure to reference all sources using proper APA style.

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