Assignment 3 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in a Global Environment

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    Assignment 3   Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in a Global Environment

    According to AU (2009) most companies today have a global expansion agenda, and many companies have become multinational or transnational. These companies face the challenge of creating a consistent ethical culture across the global network, while respecting diversity and integrating new values into many different office cultures.
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    A good ethics program is very helpful in communicating the values and visions of a company. Such a program helps create a consistent corporate culture, something that is very important for global companies that have operations in diverse locations with differing legal systems, ethical values, and priorities. An ethics program clearly lays out expectations from employees and helps them make the best decisions. To be effective, an ethics code must have well-conceived and broadly implemented through training and enforcement components.

    The field of human rights is another important area where companies are placing an increasing amount of attention. A company can avoid human rights violations by creating a code of conduct to be universally applied. A code of conduct sets universal guidelines on various issues like labor, working hours, discrimination, freedom of association, health and safety, and sometimes, environmental practice policies.

    Another potential problem is corruption and bribery. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prevents companies from paying bribes to foreign governments and officials, as well as political candidates. Also, the organization for economic cooperation and development treaty has members from many countries who have pledged to refrain from unethical behavior.

    Activity Resources:

    Spotlight on Skills: Developing a Power Point Presentation

    In this activity you will prepare a Power Point Presentation. For help in using this tool, review this PowerPoint Tutorial.

    Main Task: Evaluate the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics on Global Business

    For this assignment, consider that some MNCs (Multi-National Corporations) ignore social responsibility because they believe focusing on it will reduce profitability. Do you believe a MNC can be both socially responsible and profitable? How do you think MNCs can be socially responsible in host countries and yet be profitable? Discuss real life examples of profitable and socially responsible companies.

    Support your conclusions with references from a minimum of five (5) journal articles or publications.

    Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

    Create a PowerPoint slide set or MS MovieMaker project creating presentation. Think about who your target audience is and how your topic affects them.

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    The required length of the PowerPoint Presentation option for this assignment is 10-15 slides (with a separate reference slide). Your presentation MUST include notes containing 150-200 words per slide (this is your script). Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.

    Save the file as a PPT file with the correct course code information in the name. Upload the completed assignment in the Course work area of the Activity.

    The required length of the Video option for this assignment is 7-10 minutes. The video file must be saved in a .wmv format and be less than 8 MB is size. If you do not have video software or are unable to create a video please choose the PowerPoint option.

    Learning Outcome: 2


    Assignment Outcomes

    Evaluate the importance of corporate social responsibility, and ethics in a global environment.

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