Asian American Theater One-Act writing assignment

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     Asian American Theater One-Act writing assignment

    This assignment requires you to identify characters from the plays we have read this quarter. Using characters from different plays we’ve read throughout the quarter, create a new play. The character must maintain their core characteristics (which means you must closely analyze these characters). For example, if you’re using the character Tam (from Chickencoop Chinaman), you must retain his unique language expressions.

    Requirements of this assignment:
    I. One Act play with characters from other Asian American plays. Your play must have three characters from two different plays (Marginal Woman & The Submission of Rose Moy).
    II. You must include a play description (at least 150 words, no more than 250 words) that conveys the story of your play, themes you’re exploring in your play, and the inspiration for your play.
    III. Electronic evaluation by University staff may be used on your paper to help prevent plagiarism. Plagiarism will result in a failure grade.

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