Discuss the value of sports sponsorship within a named sport or club to both parties in the word

    • A bibliography is required.
    • The Document should follow the general layout of a marketing plan.
    • Sources must be acknowledged; a bibliography is required. We prefer the so-called Harvard system of in-text referencing (Author, Year) as used by the APA. Ensure that each entry in the bibliography conforms to the correct form. For an introduction to the APA Style: https://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx. See also a site of by the English Department of Purdue University, which includes the APA Style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
    • References to relevant marketing literature and arts organizations are deemed as highly appropriate for a full and complete response. Work will be assessed, in part, on the ‘quality’ of the sources.
    Reading List

    The three texts set out below are all core texts that cover the course well. Lecture notes will make reference to each of these texts as required, but the Shank text is the main core set text for this course. The Bedford library has a limited number of copies of each of these texts.

    1. Shank, M. D (2008) Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective, Fourth Edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; London: Prentice Hall (Pearson).
    2. Chadwick, S. & Beech, J. (eds) (2007) The Marketing of Sports. London: FT Pearson
    3. Shilbury, D; Quick, S and Westerbeek, H (2001) Strategic Sport Marketing, 2nd edition, Allen and Unwin.

    Online Information Sources for Sports Marketing

    This section gives you information about some of the key online resources for Sport. The lists are not exhaustive, but are designed to give you an introduction to the resources for a particular subject area. The British library has an excellent guide to research sources in sports at https://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpindustry/sports/sports.html.

    Indexes and databases

    Many large, commercial databases, to find journal articles, are free to members of UK higher and further education institutions, if your library has paid a subscription. You may need an ATHENS username and password from the library

    Sport Discus
    Sport discus is a bibliographical database from EBSCO Publishing covering literature on all aspects of sport including sports medicine and physiology. The database indexes journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations and theses. Institutional subscription required.

    SPONET is a searchable database with links to full-text publications of interest to sports scientists, coaches and athletes. The database is produced and maintained by the Department of Information and Documentation Sport at the Institute of Applied Training Science, Leipzig. Approximately 300 sites are added monthly. These have been analysed for experts and focus on athletic training science. There is a link to a discussion forum. The site is available in English and German.

    COPAC is a freely available bibliographic catalogue of the major university research libraries in the UK and Ireland, plus the British Library, National Library of Wales and the National Library of Scotland. COPAC records represent details of documents dating from c.1100AD to current, in many languages, and across all subject areas. A variety of materials are included, for example books, reports, printed and recorded music, videos, and electronic materials.

    Sport Discus with full text
    SPORTDiscus with Full Text, produced by EBSCO Publishing, is a source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 415 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus. Institutional subscription required.


    The majority of these journals also have electronic versions. The Bedford library should have access to view the electronic version. It is also worth looking at the publishers section as other journals will be available from the publishers listed. Tables of contents and abstracts may be freely available on the internet

    The journals listed here do not include those relating to individual sports. This list is not exhaustive and other journals may also be available.

    Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
    Athletic Insight : the Online Journal of Sport Psychology
    Entertainment and sports law journal (ESJL)
    European Physical Education Review
    European Sport Management Quarterly
    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
    International Journal of Sport Communication (IJSC)
    International Journal of Sport Finance (IJSF)
    International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM)
    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM)
    International Journal of Sport Psychology
    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
    International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
    International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering
    International Review for the Sociology of Sport
    Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education (JSSAE)
    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (JoHLSTE)
    Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity
    Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
    Journal of Physical Activity and Health
    Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (JSEP)
    Journal of Sport Management
    Journal of Sport and Social Issues
    Journal of Sports Economics
    Journal of Sports Sciences
    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
    Palaestra : Forum of Sport, Physical Education & Recreation for those with Disabilities
    Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy

    Recreational Sports Journal
    Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)
    Sport, Education and Society
    Sport in Society
    Sport Psychologist, The (TSP)
    Sports, Ethics and Philosophy
    Sports Management Report
    Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal


    Below is a list of some of the key publishers in the field of sport and leisure. The list is not exhaustive, but should give a useful starting point.

    Human Kinetics
    Palgrave: Sport & Exercise
    Routledge: Sport & Leisure Studies
    Taylor & Francis

    Educational materials

    Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism
    This is one of 24 subject centres aiming to promote high quality learning and teaching practice in UK higher education. The site features a calendar of events, current news items, and links to resources, the LINK newsletter which is published three times a year, and the (electronic) Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education (JoHLSTE). There are Resource Guides available, as well as resource reviews, case studies and links to Web resources. Some of these documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader software. There are also details of ongoing projects and subject specialists in the field.

    Internet for Leisure, Sport and Recreation
    This is a free, teach yourself tutorial on the Web, teaching Internet information skills for leisure, sport and recreation. It is aimed at students and lecturers, , who want to improve their knowledge of the best Internet resources for this subject.

    Resource guides

    Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism: Resource Guides
    The HEA guides to texts, journals, websites and other resources in specific areas of sport

    Intute: Sport & Leisure Practice
    Intute: Hospitality and Catering provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities. Intute aim to match resources to the curriculum and the needs of researchers; their target audience is students, staff and researchers in higher and further education.

    Organisations & associations

    There are many organisations and associations in the field of sport. Sport England provides a useful directory:

    Research centres

    Birkbeck Sports Business Centre

    Centre for the Sociology of Sport, Department of Sociology, University of Leicester (site not being updated, but archive materials still available)

    Centre for Sport and Exercise Science (CSES), Sheffield Hallam University

    Chester Centre for Research into Sport & Society, University of Chester

    Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University

    Sociology of Sport Research Group, Loughborough University

    Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC), Sheffield Hallam University

    Warwick Centre for the Study of Sport in Society, Warwick University

    Government departments

    Department for Culture, Media & Sport

    UK Sport

    News services

    BBC Sport

    Channel 4 Sport

    Guardian Unlimited Sport

    Independent: Sport

    ITV sport

    Observer Sport Monthly

    Reuters : Sports News

    Sky Sports

    Telegraph: Sport News and Updates

    Times Online: Sport

    Mailing lists

    JISCmail provides tools for setting up and running email discussion lists and is free to members of the HE and FE community in the UK. There are a number of lists for sport and you can often browse the archives of previous discussions. If there isn’t a list already, you can easily set one up yourself and invite others to join.

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