drugs addicting phenomenon

    The relevance between social networks and drugs addicting phenomenon for youth inside care homes in Saudi Arabia.

    This proposal is not the title of the dissertation, but an outline of the topic you propose to research. Your specific research idea/ question will emerge/ become clarified and agreed with your dissertation supervisor and form part of your Dissertation Research Proposal. Please write paragraphs about the topic, indicating aspects of particular interest, possible approaches, availability of material on the subject, professional practice implications, external contacts made or support/resources available to you, etc. The proposal should be involved with number of the previous researchers that mentioned to this issues, also the proposal should contains number of relevant articles to support the main content. The methodology of the research will be based on quantitative method and using questionnaire technique for collecting data. The researcher will conduct this research with residents youth of care home in Saudi Arabia. The potential outcomes of this study will help the community to stand against the social networks that encourage to practice this habit into the care home and how the resident youth be aware of the risk of using drugs.

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