How can technology enhance analysis within the IC agencies?

    Assignment: Write a Complete Research Paper with Citations and References (5-6 pages)
    In this assignment, you will put all the pieces together, requiring that you go back and review several elements:
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    I. Introduction and Research Questions (1 – 1-1/2 pages)
    II. Hypothesis* these sections are already done! (1 page)
    III. Body of the Paper (2-3 pages)
    IV. Conclusions (2-3 pages)
    V. References (1 page)
    This submission will be graded based on the following rubric:
    I. Introduction and Research Questions (10 pts)
    II. Hypothesis* these sections already done! (10 pts)
    III. Body of the Paper (30 pts)
    IV. Conclusions (30 pts)
    V. References (20 pts)
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    1) Research Question
    How can technology enhance analysis within the IC agencies?
    2) Background Description
    The terrible attacks on September 11, 2001, in the territory of the United States itself, gave rise to what, from then on, would be a radical change of thinking on future changes in security and all security agencies national. This led to the preparation of new plans in all intelligence agencies of protection. As a result of these acts came with a Homeland Security Agency for the protection of citizens and the country, using technology to public safety and national security. Technology can be a powerful tool to use in this emerging sector. But at the same time it becomes a link in the chain, it becomes also a new vulnerability necessitating a major effort to increase the safety of the technology itself. With advances in technology may prevent or combat crime, organized crime and terrorism. Technology has been the driving force of the globalization of information, and the future of information technology and communication applied to security will depend on the ability of intelligence agencies to create a technological culture that can be integrated harmoniously into the daily chore of citizens.
    Intelligence agencies have to implement new plans that provide security and border control, visas control and electronic passports. What are the technologies that enable them to intelligence agencies to be more effective in improving rates of public safety or national security? First those aimed at better identification. Based, today, biometric techniques in which there is a wide range footprint and fingerprint, facial recognition, iris, palm print, hand geometry, vascular, ear, etc. Clearly, in a more or less near future biometrics will become part of our everyday exchanges in trade and e-business, and even our relationship with tooling and nearby areas, such as car, house or place of I work. Second, the crimes which use digital storage media is growing, making improvements for research purposes, of computer skills by developing software steganography techniques for the extraction of content is required. Third is the use of technologies that, in turn, use others, such as identification, surveillance, communications, positioning, location, etc. Finally it must be integrated Systems Command and Control, to be valid in emergency situations should be developed through close collaboration between industry and the experts of the various bodies involved, security, civil protection and health. Intelligence agencies have to work hard for the development of all technologies to forecast future, able to contemplate and integrate threats from terrorism and the various aspects of organized crime scenarios. It is also preferred object of our attention to the protection of the citizen in virtual communities linked to the Internet.
    Omand, David. 2012. “Into the Future: A Comment on Agrell and Warner.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 154-156.International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2014).
    Warner, Michael. 2012. “Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 133-153. International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2014).

    If technology is used for analysis of intelligence, then upgrade the technology will produce quality intelligence analysis.
    The rapid technological development has led to the modernization of the analysis models, understood as generic schemes that seek to represent key ideas: organization, methodology and specific work procedures, able to generate lines of action on issues or areas of interest to the ultimate purpose of their role, which is to allow the production of intelligence. The performance of the function of intelligence is and will remain structurally the same, but the ways to take it forward and evolve, as discussed, must adapt to rapid changes in technology, because a simple reaction attitude (especially late) is a failure in advance and you cannot reverse it in any way. Information is what today abounds. Certainty and Truth is what increasingly scarce in dire despair. The data are closer to users, but you need to know is the best way of conjugation between the will of the protagonists of the facts and the will involved in the development of its passing. National Security and International Security on-imposed and there too Intelligence should say more than anything. The focus now is prospective in nature, proactive, horizontal, holistic, but mainly focused on the search of the interconnections between the increasing variety of intervening variables that crowd analysts desks and minds of decision makers.
    References: September 19, 2014).
    Omand, David. 2012. “Into the Future: A Comment on Agrell and Warner.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 154-156.International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed September 19, 2014).
    Warner, Michael. 2012. “Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 133-153. International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed September 19, 2014).

    How technology can enhance analysis within the IC agencies
    Technology is full of gradual progress and specialized scientists, trying to solve very difficult problems or create new and powerful ways to use technology, “in real life. If technology is used for analysis of intelligence, then upgrade the technology will produce quality intelligence analysis. “Representative Technology Needs a new generation of capabilities that will allow Intelligence Community personnel and assets to communicate securely and reliably”.
    The intelligence community has a very long and difficult road to travel, because they must adjust to the new technology. The revelations of massive spying released by Edward Snowden opened the discussion on the protection of privacy. From this, several companies developed new programs and devices that encrypt only transmit information and data essential to the message. These developments not only protect the citizens of espionage by the state, but data collection by companies. There are phones like the Crypto Phone with black phone and highly secure. “In the past there were solutions available to very few, but never before had there been a device with these features,” said Javier Aguera Geeks phone cofounder and “father” of black phone the Smartphone specially designed to protect the privacy of its users. “Representative Technology Needs Capabilities that can discover information in unstructured data by detecting hidden patterns or deviations, extracting key components and potential linkages, and transforming the data for further analysis, while preserving individual privacy”. Intelligence agencies are prepared to deal with these changes?
    The rapid technological development has led to the modernization of the analysis models, understood as generic schemes that seek to represent key ideas: organization, methodology and specific work procedures, able to generate lines of action on issues or areas of interest to the ultimate purpose of their role, which is to allow the production of intelligence. The performance of the function of intelligence is and will remain structurally the same, but the ways to take it forward and evolve, as discussed, must adapt to rapid changes in technology, because a simple reaction attitude (especially late) is a failure in advance and you cannot reverse it in any way. Information is what today abounds. Certainty and Truth is what increasingly scarce in dire despair. The data are closer to users, but you need to know is the best way of conjugation between the will of the protagonists of the facts and the will involved in the development of its passing. National Security and International Security on-imposed and there too Intelligence should say more than anything. The focus now is prospective in nature, proactive, horizontal, holistic, but mainly focused on the search of the interconnections between the increasing variety of intervening variables that crowd analysts desks and minds of decision makers.
    Exactly define the tasks of the intelligence agencies can be very complicated, but in theory they all have the aim of safeguarding the interests and security of their nation. The more advanced technology becomes increasingly more complicated. The American technology giants have complained repeatedly Internet control by the intelligence services of the United States, discovered last year after public revelations of former NSA consultant Edward Snowden, who released thousands of files classified. Some of these alleged allegations, we can mention: Accessing servers of Internet giants, Intercept fiber optic cables, wiretapping, surveillance and hidden microphones Radio. If the giants in technology creation are already working to make safety improvements in their technology, then the intelligence agencies have to come up with new ideas for intelligence analysis and protection of the interests and security of their nation. “What is certain is that all the effective intelligence agencies of the future will be knowledge management organizations, par excellence, able to make full use of modern technology”.
    Intelligence agencies and public safety need the best technology that exists to fight crime and further integrate advanced technologies as part of an overall initiative to improve national security. If technology is used for analysis of intelligence, then upgrade the technology will produce quality intelligence analysis. Both sectors require large resources to find and capture their objectives, but to do so must be able to efficiently integrate relevant information from various global communications networks and intelligence to follow the correct tracks. “The old styles of targets have not gone away, the older collection technologies still have value, and those technologies remain just as difficult to manage so as to serve national and departmental customers”.
    References: (accessed October 11, 2014).
    Omand, David. 2012. “Into the Future: A Comment on Agrell and Warner.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 154-156.International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed October 11, 2014).
    Warner, Michael. 2012. “Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems.” Intelligence & National Security 27, no. 1: 133-153. International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed October 11, 2014).

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