Persuasive letter and reflection: Development of your main idea in an engaging manner with a specific thesis, vivid details, and supporting evidence for the ideas you present

    Length: 2-5 pages, typed in a readable 12 point font (Since this assignment is a formal letter, you may single-space or double-space. However, the paper needs to be 2-5 pages double-spaced equivalent. Also, be sure to follow conventions for a business letter. See and for help).

    Successful Persuasive Letters will include the following:

    Concern for global issues:
    • Focus on a central idea with a clear purpose. Avoid irrelevant details and unnecessary repetition.
    • Development of your main idea in an engaging manner with a specific thesis, vivid details, and supporting evidence for the ideas you present.
    • Clear and purposeful organization of your paper, which includes an interesting title, appropriate transitions indicating connections between ideas, an engaging introduction, supporting details, and a thought-provoking conclusion. In the introduction (usually the first paragraph of a paper or letter), remember to state your main point or idea.

    Concern for formatting issues:
    • Acknowledgement of sources (for example, include the sources in sentences and quotes around exact words from a source; also include a bibliography of sources you reference in the paper). You do not need to use MLA or a certain documentation style, but you do need to explain that you used a source. You may use MLA if you would like to.
    • Rhetorical awareness of the writing situation, purpose, and audience with appropriate form and word choice.
    • Few grammatical and/or mechanical mistakes.

    • Choose a topic, issue or event that reflects or demonstrates discrimination or an injustice. For example, perhaps you or a friend or family member has experienced racism or unequal treatment based on race, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, gender, national origin, age, or other reason. Then, choose an audience you wish to address in a letter about the topic. You may create an argument about the topic, or you may argue for a specific solution to a problem. For example, you may write a letter to a department store making a complaint about unfair or discriminatory treatment you received. Or, you may write to a company that produces certain ads (such as Axe products) that you believe are sexist.
    • Since this assignment requires you to write a letter, you must write the document in a letter format. Address your letter to a specific person, group or organization (the person, group or organization may be real or fictitious), and sign your name. See and for help.
    • You are not required to send the letter to anyone.
    • Be aware of your audience as you write.
    • Think about the types of sources that will be persuasive to your audience (you are not required to use sources, but they may be helpful for your paper).

    *Remember to use credible sources if you choose to include any sources. Wikipedia and encyclopedias are not generally credible sources. See the “Rhetorical Triangle” in the Content area.

    **NOTE: If you want to include sources, I suggest that you look at the NHCC library database find sources. You will need your student ID in order to access the database. Use your sources to develop your argument and back up your claims.

    Write at least 1 informal paragraph about your experience writing the Persuasive Letter (You may write the reflection in the same document as the persuasive letter. However, the reflection should not be a part of the actual letter; make sure the reflection is on a separate page). In your reflection, you may discuss the following ideas (or otherwise talk about how you approached the letter): For example, did you try to avoid some grammar errors or clarify your writing? If so, how? What worked well in your letter? What would you improve if you had time? What did you enjoy about the writing process? What did not work well? Did any of the readings influence your writing, writing choices or writing process? If so, how?

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