-Egyptian Art and the Dead. What were Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife? How did those beliefs shape their funeral rituals and their art? How did those beliefs change over time? Is the imagery in Egyptian tomb art the same from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom?
*The finished paper should be 5 to 7 pages of double-spaced text, 12 point type.
*In addition, it must have a title page, and a Works Cited page (a bibliography of the sources used and cited in your paper).
*You may use insert notes or footnotes. You must credit the sources of your information and quotations.
*Since this is a paper on art, illustrations in addition to your text would be helpful, but are not required (that’s in ADDITION to your text, not instead of it).
Proofread a draft before you write the finished paper. Read it aloud to yourself. If it sounds awkward, then it probably is. Have someone else read it. You may ask me to proofread it for you.
I require that you write the paper using the MLA format. The MLA (Modern Language Association) format is for humanities research (APA is for scientific research papers). You can go to this website to download a printable guide to the MLA format for research papers:
This website is very long and extensive. On it, you can find guidelines for citations of magazine and journal articles, websites, encyclopedia articles, and other miscellaneous sources of information like movies and TV programs.
The website also shows you how to write footnotes and parenthetical insert notes.
The point of using the MLA format is PROFESSIONALISM (you want to be taken seriously), and CLARITY (you want to be understood, and people want to see where you got your information, and may want to look at your sources for themselves).
For a paper of this length, insert notes are probably the easiest and most appropriate. At the end of a quotation or a piece of information from a source, put in an insert note with this format (author’s last name, page number where the quote or information came from)
Example: (Schneider-Adams, p.325)
If you are going to use insert notes, then every text you cite in the insert notes MUST be in your “Works Cited” page.
*One more note, proper names of people, places, and things are always capitalized, just like your own name.
In these days of texting, folks lost the habit of capitalizing letters; but remember, capital letters mean the difference between:
“…helping your Uncle Jack off a horse”
“… helping your uncle jack off a horse.”