This paper is worth 50 points and you must write a minimum of 2 full pages (not less than 500 words), not including title pages and references. The submission is to be double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman or Arial, with 1� margins on all sides and must conform to APA writing style. Save paper as a Rich Text File and submit using the Ethics Paper link in Chapter 4 of the class sessions folder.
You will be graded on grammar and spelling, your knowledge and application of the ethical and social responsibility theories, and your ability to think critically.
You are required to identify as many ethical issues as you can find and explain why they are issues. An issue is something that people take different sides on based on their own personal values. Please keep in mind that it is not your opinion that is critical, but your ability to see both sides of an issue. This is an exercise in �opening your mind.