Forensic Pschology

    Forensic Pschology

    Paper instructions:
    Term Paper. Students are required to a term paper for this course worth 100 points. The
    term paper can take several forms.
    a) A research proposal: In this term paper, you are expected to state a research question
    and a testable hypothesis (your prediction), the theory that drives the hypothesis
    (given the readings, why did you make that prediction? Why should that result be
    expected?), describe why it is important and how it flows from what you read (i.e.,
    from psychological research or theory, or from issues that arose in a legal case), and
    briefly sketch a methodological design to test the hypothesis. (I strongly recommend
    this choice, especially for psychology majors who have completed research methods).
    b) Theoretical model: In this term paper you are expected to develop a new theory (or
    novel application of an existing theory) to explain or tie together existing research
    c) Issue proposal: In this term paper you are expected to propose a question about
    forensic psychology and the criminal justice system on which there is not consensus,
    normally starting with the word “should,” to which the answer may be “yes” or “no.”
    (An example would be: “Should the insanity defense be allowed in criminal trials?”)
    In the issue paper, you should provide detail arguments on both sides of the issue and,
    based upon those arguments, choose a position, and defend it.

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