Brain Development & Early Physical Development

    Brain Development & Early Physical Development

    Please answer and label the questions accordingly. This is a critical thinking, graduate level essay. These are two separate questions therefore please do not combine the two questions together. For example: Q1, Q2, with in-text citation from course reading material (Berk, Gross,) as references. Two references are required. In-text citation on every paragraph. Please label all subheadings. APA formatting and style.
    My professor reviews my paper and will provide feedback and she will require for addition clarification in regards to what have been written. Therefore, I will forward to you the question(s) from my professor. Please answer the question(s) accordingly. Per class requirement, all papers must be submitted to Smarthinking for review before I can submit it in therefore please revise the paper according to Smarthinking suggestion.
    Question 1- Brain Development
    For this discussion:
    • Review the research in infant brain research.
    • Analyze factors that affect brain development and their consequences.

    Question 2 – Early Physical Development
    For this discussion:
    • Discuss early physical development in infancy, and the factors that influence physical growth.
    • Discuss the possible interventions you could use to encourage healthy physical growth and why.

    • In Gross, read pages 126–136 and 147–156 in Chapter 5, “Physical Growth, Health, and Nutrition.”
    • In Berk, read pages 161–178 in Chapter 5, “Physical Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood.”

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