“Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity Crisis”

    “Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity Crisis”
    Read “Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity Crisis” and “Remarks to the NAACP National Convention,” both of which may be found on ANGEL?Assignments?Unit 2?Readings. We know that a central issue in these articles is going to be food/diet. Consider how the authors define the issue—that is, what context do they provide? Your assignment is to use the articles as resources as you define the central problems/issues shared by the two articles and identify some common causes related to education or economics. What is the problem? Why is a problem? What other factors, besides diet, may be at play?
    • After reading the articles (and using your own observation), ask yourself: How do economics and education play roles in how Americans approach eating and health?
    • Construct a thesis in which you make a claim about how education and economic class (and race, if you want to jump in there) can affect people’s relationship to food and health.
    NOTE: This is YOUR argument. It surely will be influenced by these two articles, but you’re no longer responding directly to the writers. Instead, write a T-A-R thesis and then use the articles as you develop your support in the essay. Ex: The obesity crisis seems to affect rural and urban poor disproportionately because _________.
    • Uncover support from the articles.
    • Use the conversation templates for quotations and paraphrasing as you shape your paragraphs to support your thesis.
    • Remember to use some of the signal phrases on your conversation sheet to differentiate your ideas and positions from the ideas presented—do you agree, disagree, or both? Don’t be afraid to use the phrasing in the templates; that’s why you have them!
    • Cite your sources using in-text documentation. As these are website sources, you need only use authors’ last names.
    • Conclude your essay with a restatement of your thesis and work for a thought-provoking concluding statement.


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