Business and Management

    Business and Management
    Paper instructions:
    Topic: Select any company doing business in the United States and research that company focusing on a problem that is in their business environment. These would be ethical dilemmas and issues that the company has faced from the company perspective while conducting business (NOT an employees’ perspective). Students will be expected to apply principles and business practices from the readings and demonstrate knowledge and analysis of current ethical and legal practices.

    Class book is the Eighth Edition Business Law Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues Henry Cheeseman is the author.

    This paper shall reference at least two business journals sources and two named legal cases that dealt with the issues faced by the company. The student shall analyze these sources and compare or contrast the resolution in the source with the problem/issue faced by the company.

    Once you have selected a company, (MY COMPANY IS CHRYSLER CORPORATION) each student will submit that company and their statement that identifies the issues.


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