Evaluation Results
Author: John Steigerwald
DRF template: EGT1 Economics and Global Business Applications (V1 UNDERGRAD-0213)
Program: EGT1 Economics & Global Bus. Apps. (V1 UG 0213)-PA
Evaluation Method: Using Rubric
Evaluation Summary for Economics & Global Business App: EGT Task 1
Final Score: Does not Meet
Overall comments: The revised submission appears to adequately address one aspect. Several revisions are still required on order to fully satisfy task requirements. Please see the comments below and resubmit when ready.
Detailed Results (Rubric used: EGT Task 1)
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization)
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
There is no evidence of response to the prompts.
The articulation of the response is weak.
The articulation of the response is adequate.
The articulation of the response is skillful.
Criterion Score: 3.00
Accuracy of Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling)
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The work includes several major errors that disrupt the meaning or flow of the response.
The work includes a few major errors and/or many minor errors that interfere with the clarity of the response.
The work includes a few minor errors but no readily detectable major errors.
The work includes no readily detectable major or minor errors.
Criterion Score: 4.00
A1. Total Revenue to Total Cost
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain profit maximization from the approach of total revenue to total cost.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of profit maximization from the approach of total revenue to total cost.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of profit maximization from the approach of total revenue to total cost.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of profit maximization from the approach of total revenue to total cost.
Criterion Score: 2.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The work does not clearly explain profit maximization using the TR to TC approach. Please revise and explain how profits can maximized when using the two variables under this approach.
A2. Marginal Revenue to Marginal Cost
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain profit maximization from the approach of marginal revenue to marginal cost.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of profit maximization from the approach of marginal revenue to marginal cost.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of profit maximization from the approach of marginal revenue to marginal cost.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of profit maximization from the approach of marginal revenue to marginal cost.
Criterion Score: 4.00
B. Marginal Revenue Calculation
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain the calculation used to determine marginal revenue.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal revenue.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal revenue.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal revenue.
Criterion Score: 1.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): Please provide (discuss) the formula used to determine MR.
B1. Marginal Revenue Increases and Decreases
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not discuss how marginal revenue increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides an illogical discussion of how marginal revenue increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a logical discussion of how marginal revenue increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported discussion of how marginal revenue increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
Criterion Score: 1.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The submission does not appear to include a discussion of how marginal revenue increases, decreases, or remain constant in the given scenario. Please revise.
C. Marginal Cost Calculation
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain the calculation used to determine marginal cost.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal cost.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal cost.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of the calculation used to determine marginal cost.
Criterion Score: 1.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The work does not include the formula used to calculate marginal cost. Please revise.
C1. Marginal Cost Increases and Decreases
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not discuss how marginal cost increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides an illogical discussion of how marginal cost increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a logical discussion of how marginal cost increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported discussion of how marginal cost increases, decreases, or remains constant in the given scenario.
Criterion Score: 1.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The submission does not appear to include a discussion of how marginal cost increases, decreases, or remain constant in the given scenario. Please revise.
D. Where Profit Maximization Occurs
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain where profit-maximization occurs for Company A using the chart provided in the given scenario.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of where profit-maximization occurs for Company A using the chart provided in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of where profit-maximization occurs for Company A using the chart provided in the given scenario.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of where profit-maximization occurs for Company A using the chart provided in the given scenario.
Criterion Score: 1.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The work does not explain where profit-maximization occurs for Company A using the chart provided in the given scenario. Please revise.
E. Marginal Revenue Greater Than Marginal Cost
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost.
Criterion Score: 3.00
F. Marginal Cost Greater Than Marginal Revenue
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
The candidate does not explain what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue.
The candidate provides an illogical explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue.
The candidate provides a logical explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue.
The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of what action should be taken in terms of adjusting output if it is determined that marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue.
Criterion Score: 3.00
Comments on this criterion (optional): The submission provides the correct action.
G. Sources
(1) Unacceptable
(2) Needs Revision
(3) Meets Standard
(4) Exemplary
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and references for each source used.
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with major deviations from APA style.
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with minor deviations from APA style.
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources.
Criterion Score: 4.00