English and Literature

    English and Literature
    Paper instructions:
    For our Module 2 journal topic, we are going to do some contextual analysis of “Huckleberry Finn.” Context is the set of facts or circumstances that surround the events, characters, and settings in the novel.

    Please use the following questions to begin your contextual analysis:

    What does “Huckleberry Finn” reveal to us about the historical, social, political, or other contexts of the time?

    When we talk about context, we are looking at things in the big picture and making connections between events, locations, time periods, literary selections, authors, and ideas.

    When we talk about context in terms of “Huck Finn,” we are asking what the novel teaches us about the United States of the mid 19th century. The novel also teaches us about social conventions, political atmosphere, economic conditions, religious issues, and traditions of superstition. These, and many other concepts, are among the infinite number of potential subjects of contextual analysis in “Huck Finn.”

    For example, we even learn about what the inside of a typical middle class house looks like with Twain’s description of the inside of the Grangerford house. This would be looking at “Huck Finn” through the lifestyle/interior design context.

    In “Huckleberry Finn,” slavery is a major element of the story, revealing to us a great deal of understanding and insight into the effects of slavery on people, and society in general. This is one of the most obvious subjects of contextual analysis of “Huck Finn,” so please try not to dwell too much on it. I would like to see as much original insight as possible, rather than repeated observations about slavery in “Huck Finn.” If possible, avoid that one, unless you have an angle on slavery in “Huck Finn” that will bring some fresh ideas.


    The above are just a few of the possible angles that could be considered as part of explorations of context and style. You are encouraged to think creatively while considering the novel through these analytical lenses.
    If you are unsure of the concept of contextual analysis and how to approach it, here are some websites that might help:





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