Humanistic theory applied to a specific class population

    Humanistic theory applied to a specific class population

    Description of the Humanistic Model and Andragogy theory as appropriate in addressing different learning styles, special population, and utilization of of higher order thinking skills for the students in the class. (cultural differences, lanquage barriers, prior experience levels) Please relate to the class population listed below

    Your students are:
    · Maria Sanchez: Maria is fluent in both Spanish and English and has prior health care work experience.
    · Olga Bartold: Olga is 50 years old and new to the United States. Having come from Germany, she has limited English proficiency and is fluent in German. Olga does not have any experience working in a health care environment.
    · Dr. Ranzin: Dr. Ranzin is from India and speaks fluent English and has several years of experience working in a health care environment.

    · Joe Antone: Joe is a member of the Pima Indian Community. This is Joe’s first experience working in a health care environment.
    Martha Scott: Martha is from the Midwest and has several years of experience working in a health care environment.

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