public-key infrastructure

    public-key infrastructure

    All can pay to the our shop in real cash, and get ‘Credit Back’, example as a traditional shop as’ where Gilt have their own currency called ‘gilt’ we called in this case ‘gold’

    Here is the example:
    1) User ‘A’ pay to the shop in credit card, and get Credit back as GOLD, and is added to the customer account.

    2) The CA can transfer from A to the shop based on what the users pay in GOLD to the shop.

    3) Then when A get the credit from the SHOP, A can send credit to the shop.

    4) Then the shop verifies the GOLD, if the credit is valid the Shop can final sign the bill and ship the goods.

    I need answer on the following (detail) :

    1) The first step is the authentication between A and the shop, that verify the procession of the private and public key. What is the best and secure way to communicate between A and the Shop with a CA. its like a ‘hand-shake’ and what is the best security protocol I should chose? (SSL from GoDaddy? Or? )

    2) Next: I need a protocol that allows the GOLD to be transfer from A to the Shop. A use this protocol to receive GOLD from the bank, she have used her Credit card to fill up her account, and have buy some gift from the shop. If the GOLD is there the process is accepted and the gift is shipped to A. I see that my bank use Versign, RC4, 256-bits, but what is the best and most cost effective way that is secure?

    a. I need to design a protocol that is secure, what is the best alterative here? Make it simple as possible but secure, what about ‘Diffie Hellman Key’ with hash?
    b. And should I authenticate with the SSL?

    3) Next: The shop verify the GOLD from the CA, and if its valid he sign the bill that include the GOLD and add it in the Bill to A.
    a. Can some design a protocol that work? (or come up with a example and link where I can find the best one.

    2) Next: Then the Shop agree to sell to A and sign the purchase. A receives the signed doc from the shop and A transfer the GOLD to The Shop. The Shop verify with the CA and then finalize the purchase.

    The shop want a protocol that is good, and not possible to attack. Can the Diffie Hellman Key be a good alternative?



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