Knowledge Management


    Abracadabra – Human Capital Audit


    Abracadabra is a small training company established in 2008. It delivers training and coaching primarily to
    the corporate sector throughout Europe.

    There are two Directors: Alena (who generally deals with clients and marketing) and Benny (who manages the
    staff and the delivery of the services).

    In addition, there are five other administrative staff:

    • Cookie, the sales manager
    • Deepika, responsible for scheduling and project administration
    • Emilia, the accountant
    • Fernando, responsible for technology and infrastructure
    • Gerry, the ‘factotum’, who does anything / everything else required (eg: travel arrangements,
    photocopying etc)

    Trainers / consultants are employed on a daily basis at a daily rate, depending on the project requested by
    the client. There is a database of 50 such trainers/consultants.

    You have been invited to work with Abracadabra for a few months as an intern. One of the tasks you have been
    given is to assess the Human Capital of the company and make any recommendations you see fit ….

    Information provided by Emilia
    In reply to your questions, Emilia the accountant provides you with the following information:

    Item Euros / Number Comments
    Average salary for admin staff €25,000 Per year each. Excludes Social security of 20%
    Average paid to Directors €50,000 Per year each. They seldom do any training / consultancy themselves
    except in emergencies
    Average paid to Trainers/Consultants €500 Per day, excluding preparation and travel
    Average paid for preparation / travel days to trainers 200 Per day. Preparation is calculated at ½ day
    per full day’s training. ‘Travel’ is for any project outside the home city, and trainers are paid one day on
    each side of a delivery project.
    Average fee charged per day’s training / consultancy €1,000 Preparation is included in this price, but
    travel is invoiced separately / additionally
    Number of training days sold last year 3,000 These were the actual days invoiced to clients
    Number of travel / preparation days 800 Days in addition to the training days
    Rental payments on the building, equipment, IT etc €500,000 The fixed overheads
    Additional running costs €200,000 Covers variable costs (of projects), such as marketing,
    photocopying, books etc
    Training staff turnover 10 New staff recruited per year to replace leavers or add to the database
    Admin staff turnover 2 Per year – there have been 5 admin staff and it is not expected to increase
    this number
    Corporate Tax 20% On profits

    Questions arising
    1. What other information might you require to conduct your audit?
    2. What are the total costs of employment?
    3. What is the HEVA?
    4. What recommendations would you make? Why?


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