IT 401 Individual Project 5

    IT 401 Individual Project 5

    The final step in developing the Consultant’s Analysis Report on  Enterprise Systems is to provide an analysis of the costs and benefits  of the system and offer your final conclusions and recommendations to  the client. Sufficient information should be available in the report  sections prepared in previous weeks to allow final review of the  required resources and assign costs to the project. The benefits to the  client can then be compared to the costs and your conclusions given. You  will also further refine the plan to produce the final draft version  for the project. Updates may be based on peer and instructor feedback.

    The following are the project deliverables:

    • Update the Consultant’s Analysis Report on Enterprise Systems title page with a new date and project name.
    • Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor’s feedback.
    • Include the following new content:
      • Final Analysis
        • Summarize the resource requirements for the system required for  implementation. These resources should include development costs if the  system is internally developed or acquisition costs if it is an  externally developed system.
        • Assign costs to all resources.
        • Identify short- and long-term benefits to the organization in financial terms.
        • Compare and contrast the costs and benefits.
        • Provide conclusions and recommendations to the client.
    • Consultant’s Analysis Report on Enterprise Systems final draft:
      • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements that you would like to make.
      • Ensure this final version of the document is sufficiently detailed to meet the requirements of the assignment.
      • Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with the appropriate changes.
    • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
    • Name the document “yourname_IT401_IP5.doc.”

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