Planning for a New Office Report

    Planning for a New Office Report

    You have been tasked to communicate to the VP of Human Resources about the need to prepare current staff for a more diverse workforce as a result of opening a new office in Miami, FL. This geographical area is known for its cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in comparison to the company's office in Topeka, KS. 

    Create an executive summary 300 to 400 word memo to VP of HR outlining critical issues in plan for opening of Miami office using the attached template.

    Support this summary with a research outline including 150 – 200 word answers to each of the following questions. Include the question, followed by the answer, and finally the supporting reference in APA format. Minimum references listed, additional references encouraged, and will be evaluated on quality as well as quantity, with peer reviewed being highest quality. 

    1) How do the demographics of Miami and Topeka compare? Provide a reference.

    2) What are some ways Miami customers may need new product, service or marketing innovation that is different from our Topeka customers?

    3) What innovations will be needed in how we are organized to support a remote location? Provide a reference on the topic of innovation.

    4) What will be some of the challenges in welcoming the diversity that Miami offers? What programs will help proactively manage these challenges? Provide a reference on managing the challenges of diversity.

    5) What technology will be needed to improve communication between the two offices? What plans will be needed to help employees utilize the technology effectively? Provide a reference on integrating technology. This can include a technology website.

    6) How will the company benefit from the improved diversity available in the Miami area?

    7) How will workers benefit from the improved diversity within the company? Provide a reference on the benefits of diversity from the UoP library.

    (Note – Text area size will expand as you type, and template size doesn't indicate 150 words)



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