6-8 Page Paper

    Topic: How to conduct a complete forensic investigation. (Just make sure that you don’t get too broad. There are areas within computer forensic investigations that you can research so feel free to get specific if you like.)

    Details of Project Paper: You must include at least ten references.Prepare a 6-8 page paper in Microsoft Word in APA format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (350 words per page). The paper should be between 1750 to 2800 words excluding the title page content and the references page content. At a minimum include the following:

    • Detailed description of the area researched
    • Technology involved in the area
    • Future trends in the area
    • Example companies involved in the area
    • Regulatory issues surrounding the area
    • Global implications for the area
    • References (minimum of 5)

    You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must be at least 6 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc… are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 5 references are required.

    The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed). 

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