4 questions answer

    Note: I need 150 words answer for each question. Must support your each answer with 2-3 credible sources cited in APA. Must provide 100% original Answer.
    Question 1 (150 words 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)
    Propose strategies that public sector organizations can adopt that will lead to a more fair yet diverse workplace. Highlight and discuss a public sector organization that has followed a strategy you have proposed.
    Question 2 (150 words 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)
    Compare and contrast the design of a typical organizational structure in the public sector versus one in the private sector. Discuss how these contrasting designs are appropriate for each public and private sector entity.
    Question 3 (150 words 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)
    The foundation of human resources is the job evaluation/description process. Select a job you are familiar with in the public sector (for example police officer teacher etc.) and discuss the best approach to position analysis for that position along with any challenges that approach would present in accurately completing the position analysis process.
    Question 4 (150 words 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)
    Compare and contrast the use of the trait rating theory versus the goal achievement theory including when it would be preferable to use one method over another.

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