4-1 2

    Business Issue Identification
    In Unit 1 you were asked to start thinking about various business issues you may encounter related to the health care field. In Unit 5 you will gather sources of information based on a health care business issue which can be administrative or managerial. In this discussion you will define your problem and identify the goals you are trying to achieve.
    Think about the business issues currently happening in your organization that relate to health care. Select one you want to try to resolve and describe it. Next answer the following questions:
    Once you have answered these questions state the problem as a question. Once you have posted your discussion your peers will provide feedback.
    Following are examples of questions based on a health care business problem that you may come up with as it relates to hiring the right administrators for your organization:
    Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide prior to posting to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation. In addition read the Sources of Information for a Business Issue Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for the next unit’s assignment.
    Response Guidelines
    Read the posts of your peers and respond to two. Review the information presented by your peer. What questions comments or suggestions do you have for narrowing broadening clarifying and so on? Since this information is critical to your peer’s research do not hesitate to give strong feedback but do so respectfully.

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