300 wk4

    There is Research, and then there is Research…View Full Description

    Please answer the following questions: 1) Why is Wikipedia a unreliable source and why shouldn’t it be used as a source on which to base research? 2) What is the problem with internet sites that end in .org? What makes them potentially unreliable and biased? 3) Current affairs reporting in the newspapers and electronic media is notoriously error prone. What can be done to eliminate the error in your research (to find reliable and accurate reporting)? As in past forums, please be sure to read the postings of your fellow students. To earn maximum points you will need to engage at least two other students and you will need, as always, to have thoughtful, fact-packed, and well-reasoned postings that add value and knowledge for the class. Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET

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