3 PAGE APA STYLE PAPERYou are a member of a mid-sized metropolitan police depart

    3 PAGE APA STYLE PAPERYou are a member of a mid-sized metropolitan police department that has just been incorporated. The new chief of police would like to modernize the agency and get as much bang for the buck as she can. But the chief is also concerned that the department is as effective as it can be. The agency has all of its normal issued equipment but would like to start with technology that is current. You are a recent college graduate and one of the youngest officers in the department. Right or wrong the chief sees you a technology-savvy officer. The chief has tasked you to select 6 new technologies to enhance the departments modernization. You will select 2 that impact the patrol vehicles 2 that enhance the departments nonlethal weaponry and 2 that you consider the most valuable for investigative or operational use. The chief expects you to tell her the logic for you selecting the items you did.Assignment Guidelines

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