
    Midland Companys growth dictates an improved office layout. The fun casual company prides itself on a hardworking and team oriented environment but their current layout does not communicate this pride.
    Your assignment is to research and provide information on new furniture and office design trends for Midland’s new office spaces.
    You must decide on the measurements for the followingrequired items:
    Step one:
    Find a website with an article that discusses Office Design Trends. Write a brief summary(1 or 2 paragraphs) of the article and includea citation in APA format for the article. How might some of these trends work for a new office environment at Midland?
    Step two:
    Research the costs of furniture listed above and provide a table of individual and total costs. You must also include the size (measurements) of each piece of furniture. Address how you determined the size (measurements) of the furniture and why you picked the items you did in relation to the above discussion.

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