2 pages in length (single spaced 1 inch margins 12 point font)Antibiotic resista

    2 pages in length (single spaced 1 inch margins 12 point font)Antibiotic resistant bacteria are an example of natural selection happening today and unfortunately one that could have dire consequences. In your own words discuss how natural selection works and then discuss how the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria is an example of natural selection. Some other issues to consider include: what is antibiotic resistance and how does it develop? How does antibiotic resistance spread? What can we do in the future to stop the spread of already antibiotic resistant bacteria as well as stop further bacteria strains from developing antibiotic resistance?Acceptable Sources:course materials and textbook (Jurmain et al.) and the video listed below (hint: I suggest that you watch the video once and then watch it a second time and take notes so that way you can refer back without having to open the video again and again.). Remember that any sources used in your paper (including websites and textbook) must be properly cited both in the text of your essay and at the end of your exam.PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CANT USE ANY SOURCES OTHER THAN THE VIDEO AND THE LECTURE NOTES I HAVE ATTACHED THE LECTURE NOTES; PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CANT OPEN IT

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