1During a recent visit to Ground Zero the former site of the World Trade Center

    1During a recent visit to Ground Zero the former site of the World Trade Center towers in New York City I experienced a range of emotions.2Initially I felt a bit guilty.3I had lost no loved ones; I was there only because of curiosity.4Nevertheless I proceeded to the platform to view the area.5I was saddened as I viewed the stacks of cards and flowers left by previous visitors.6I noticed the construction going on below and I began to reflect on how such a tragedy could have happened.7How could people be so cruel?8Why couldnt this have been prevented?9I found myself growing angry as I thought of the orphaned children and grieving husbands and wives.10My last glimpse was up at the space that the towers previously occupied.11The emptiness in the sky created a similar emptiness inside me.12I began to cry a long cleansing cry that would not cease until I was completely exhausted.

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