1984 GEORGE ORWELL Level 4 Retold by Mike Dean Series E

    Level 4
    Retold by Mike Dean
    Series Editors: Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter
    As our final 1984 GEORGE ORWELL assignment we are doing a literary analysis of the story. In a literary analysis you evaluate your opinions about the work. Discuss main ideas and argue the effectiveness of the writing. Some ideas to consider are:
    Did you enjoy this story? Why or why not?
    What impact do you think this story had (or continues to have) in society? What do you think the author was trying to accomplish with this book.
    Can you find examples of 1984 in other movies or book? How about real life?
    Your completed essay will be AT LEAST TWO pages. The essay has to be introduction and 3 paragraphs and conclusion.

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