1.One justification often given for the utilization of a variety of conservati

    1.One justification often given for the utilization of a variety of conservatism factors in risk analyses is that society is risk-averse so that we should be
    conservative. can you identify any flaws in this reasoning?

    2.Regulatory agencies are not permitted to publicly release the details of their regulatory proposals until after the appropriate review by the OMB as
    outlined in figure 2.2. How do you believe the process would change if the agency first issued the proposal pulicly and then began its discussions with the
    OMB? Do you believe this change would improve the regulatory decisionmaking process? what new factors would be brought to bear?

    3. What are the problems in using measures such as Federal Register page counts to assess the costs imposed by regulation? In the chapter as well as in the
    appendix the measures of regulatory trends include Federal Register page counts page counts from the Code of Federal Regulations agency budgen trends and
    agency staffing trends. Which of these sets of information do you believe is most informative with respect to the regulatory costs imposed on society? what
    other measures do you believe would be useful in assessing the changing regulatory burden?

    4.In your view what is the appropriate rate of discount for regulatory policies? Suppose that the measure is the real rate of return to capital. How would you
    measure this? If a group of economists were given the task to you believe they would all arrive at the same answer? why might there be differences in the
    discount rate estimate?

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