1. Nominal data usually describes qualitative information. This essentially mean

    1. Nominal data usually describes qualitative information. This essentially means that the information can be categorized or named hence the term nominal. A common example of nominal data is gender. The classification for male (1) or female (2) can be used to describe participants in a study.
    2. Ordinal data is essentially one step up from nominal. In fact it is very similar to nominal data but the information usually follows some type of ranking order hence the term ordinal. An example would be ranking frozen pizzas poor fair good excellent.
    3. Interval data is another level up on the list and is used to only describe quantitative information. This allows us to begin using mathematical operations to analyze the data. Statistics texts will often use temperature measurements as an example for interval data.
    4. Ratio data is the final level of measurement scales. This type of data allows us to compare relative values using a true zero point. An example of ratio would be weight (as in the weight loss example from last week.)Provide additional examples for each category of data above?

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