1.If you make an investment of $3700 for one year at simple interest yielding $2

    1.If you make an investment of $3700 for one year at simple interest yielding $297 and part of the money is invested at 7% and the rest at 9%. How much was invested at each rate? Let x = the number of dollars invested at 7% and y= the number of dollars invested at 9%.2.I purchased buckets of drywall mud to be used for finishing the drywall the green-lid bucket is priced at 12.28 a bucket and the blue- lid bucket is priced at 11.25 a bucket I spent a total of $ 328.39 on all mud that was purchased how many of each bucket did I buy.3.Deep Thought Granola is 25% nuts and dried fruit. Oat Dream Granola is 10% nuts and dried fruit. How much of Deep Thought and how much of Oat Dream should be mixed to form a 20-lb batch of granola that is 19% nuts and dried fruit?4.Claudio a banking vice-president took 17 neckties to Milto Cleaners. The rate for non-silk ties is $3.25 per tie and for silk ties is $3.60 per tie. His total bill was $58.75. How many silk ties did` he have dry cleaned? 5.Mountainside Fleece sold 40 neck warmers. Solid-color neck warmers sold for $9.90 each and print ones sold for $12.75 each. In all $421.65 was taken in for the neck warmers. How many of each type were sold?

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